Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just to remind you that you're not THAT great.

Woot! Woot! Switzerland!

Way to put down the kids that cried too hard for their cake and didn't want to give to their own. Wait. What's that you say? If the CEO's worked hard then they should be able to have influence on their salaries? We'll I'm pretty sure that the workers are working just as hard and they don't get any breaks, they put in their hours to produce goods which the CEOs reap more than their fair share of the profit from. I mean I agree that they as the decision makers should make more money, but not by ridiculous  proportions. Also what kind of leader would this CEO be if they thought themselves so highly above their subordinates that they can't bear to attach their incentives for higher productivity and output than to that of their workers?

Go Switzerland!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The posh and pomp of politics

Oh how they like to fire up the crowds. The speak so beautifully, but what the hell are they really saying? Take Detroit for example and how they've been pretty much screwed by incompetence over the last 5 years. And it's mostly due to the fact that many politicians often don't understand how to truly work with economics.

I see that a lot now. It seems as though public officials are basically just some idealists that make themselves sound like good people and promise great things, and people believe them. Yet when they finally get to work they realize how little they knew about what they were talking about. It's pretty much society electing the best cheerleader to be the head football coach.

I see this not only in the speeches of the Detroit mayoral candidates (who did talk a lot for a a position that couldn't do much of anything). In political clubs. And political science majors (yes I'm calling them out). I really think that these people need to come up with something more than just a good idea. They need to proof it first. They need to read an econ book. Or at least plan to do so anyway.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ya can't fix stupid

A story:

A couple of guys go in the woods with guns with the idea that they're going to find Bigfoot. Through the course of events one gets jumpy and hears an alarming noise that causes him to turn and shoot his friend in the back. The guy and his family later go on to obstruct authorities. Moral to this story? Well to me it seems to have told me something that I already knew, and that is that people have the great potential to do something greatly stupid. 

It was dumb to go out with a weapon and not handle it safely (aka keep it on safe until you have a clear target in your sights). It was dumb to lie to police (they'll find out eventually). And it was dumb to let it go on for so long. I understand that they guy may have been really exited to get to shoot Bigfoot. I understand that he and his family were panic mode over getting arrested. But that does not in my mind justify their actions and I'm glad that this guy won't be out in the woods anymore with a weapon that could harm someone else this time. 

*side note: It kind of scared me a little how the Sheriff's department of the county stated that if they had told the truth then nobody would have likely gone to jail. What does he mean? A guy mishandled a weapon and injured someone. I know I'm not a lawyer so could someone just explain to me how telling the truth would have prevented an arrest?